Dr. George F. Bass
and the Birth of Underwater Archaeology
“Everything ever made by man before the Industrial Revolution was transported by ships,’ says Dr. George Bass, the first trained archaeologist to conduct complete excavation, conservation and study of an ancient shipwreck on the seabed. His determination to explore and document the secrets of shipwreck “time capsules” from the Bronze Age to the present has added unimagined chapters to the world’s histories. This book will describe the pioneering work of an honored academic, author, and scientist and others who helped shape and distinguish the internationally recognized discipline of underwater, or nautical, archaeology.

Christie Lowrance has had a lifelong interest in maritime history and related subjects. Her four-part journalistic thesis at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - "Shipwreck Preservation and Management: A Study of Issues," examined the pioneering work of Dr. George F. Bass and Dr. Robert D. Ballard. The thesis focuses extensively on the work of Dr. George F. Bass, widely known as "the father of underwater archaeology," and of deep sea explorer Dr. Robert Ballard, who located the Titanic and other iconic shipwrecks. She interviewed many other nautical and maritime specialists for her research.​